



  • Vision Statement 
  • Commitment to Accessibility Statement 
  • Definitions 
  • Purpose of the Multi-Year Accessibility Plan 


  • Section I: Physical Facility Requirements 
  • Section II: Information and Communication Requirements 
  • Section III: Employment Standard Requirements 



Our vision is to be the preferred partner of sustainable and socially responsible flexible packaging solutions in North America. 


Tempo Flexible Packaging is committed to ensuring all those in contact with our organization (customers, suppliers, employees, etc.) are welcomed, free of barriers and other obstacles of a restrictive nature. 

Working within our core values of Partnership, Integrity and Genuineness, the Company will continue to make progressive efforts to current business practices, facilities, and overall strategies to comply with all provincial legislations. Any new or existing policies which do not respect or promote the principles of dignity, independence, integration, or equal opportunity for persons with disabilities, or meet the requirements of accessibility outlined within the Integrated Accessibility Standards regulation (IASR), enacted under the statures of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (known as the AODA), will be modified or removed. 


  • Accessible Formats – may include, but not limited to, large print, recorded audio or electronic formats, braille and other formats usable for persons with disabilities. 
  • Communications – interaction between two or more persons or entities, or any combination of them, where information is provided, sent or received. 
  • Conversion Ready – electronic or digital format that facilitates the exchange of information into an accessible format. 
  • Mobility Aid/Assistive Device – a device used for the facilitation, or assistance, for someone with a mobile disability. 


In accordance with the AODA, specifically within the IASR, Tempo Flexible Packaging has created a Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, describing our organization’s goals to prevent and remove barriers, and to meet the requirements outlined in the IASR. 

Our Multi-Year Accessibility Plan will aid in the facilitation of our continual improvements in meeting the needs of those within our community with disabilities. As a company, Tempo Flexible Packaging is committed to fostering an environment, based on the principles of dignity, independence, equality and integration of opportunity outlined in the AODA. 

The following plan demonstrates a phased-in approach to mitigate, remove or prevent current barriers to those with disabilities, and plans to appropriately address future requirements under the IASR. This plan will be available for those upon request internally, or on our external website at


InitiativeIASR RequirementTempo’s Action PlanProject StatusAnticipated Completion
Establishment of Accessibility Policies3. (1) Every obligated organization shall develop, implement and maintain policies governing how the organization achieves or will achieve accessibility through meeting its requirements referred to inthis Regulation.Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Policy (The AODA Policy) developed and implemented.CompleteJan 01, 2014
3. (2) Obligated organizations, other than small organizations, shall include a statement of organizational commitment to meet the accessibility needs of persons with disabilities in a timelymanner in their policies.Commitment to Accessibility Statement included in AODA Policy and Multi-Year Accessibility Plan.CompleteJan 01, 2014
(3) Large organizations shall;Prepare one or more written documents describing its policies; andMake the documents publicly available and shall provide them in an accessible formatupon request.AODA Policy written, currently in the process of creating an Accessibility Section on Company website to highlight all commitments, plans and policies.OngoingJan 31, 2024
Accessibility Plans4. (1) The Government ofOntario, LegislativeMulti-Year Accessibility Planis completed andCompleteJan 01, 2025
Assembly, designated public sector organizations and large organizations shall,
(a) establish, implement, maintain and document a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the organization’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirementsunder this Regulation;
implemented within regulation requirements.
4. (1)
post the accessibility plan on their website, if any, and provide the plan in an accessible format upon request; andreview and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years.
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan posted on company’s website.
Tempo provides accommodated copies of Accessibility Plan, on request
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan will be reviewed and updated as necessary, witha full review scheduled for January 2029
CompleteOngoingJan 1, 2025
Training7. (1) Every obligated organization shall ensure that training is provided on the requirements of the accessibility standards referred to in this Regulation and on the Human RightsEmployment Standards Policy refresher program to be initiated in January 2024 to inform employees about updates to Company policies. AODA Policy is scheduled to be trained to allemployees each December.OngoingOngoing, beginning Dec 01, 2024
Code as it pertains to persons with disabilities to,
all employees, and volunteers;all persons who participate in developing the organization’s policies; andall other persons who provide goods, services orfacilities on behalf of the organization.
All employees are required to sign a Mutual Respect Policy, which promotes the dignity to all employees.
7. (2) The training on the requirements of the accessibility standards and on the Human Rights Code referred to in subsection (1) shall be appropriate to the duties of the employees, volunteers and other persons.
7. (3) Every person referred to in subsection (1) shall betrained as soon as practicable.
Employee Onboarding will be updated to include the accessibility requirements, highlighting applicable details at different levels of Leadership.OngoingOngoing
7. (4) Every obligated organization shall provide training in respect of any changes to the policies described in section 3 on an ongoing basis.Employment Standards Policy refresher program to be initiated in January 2024 to inform employees about updates to Company policies. AODA Policy is scheduled to be trained to allemployees each December.OngoingOngoing, beginning Dec 01, 2024
7. (5) The Government of Ontario, the Legislative Assembly, every designated public sector organization and every large organization shall keep a record of the training provided under this section, including the dates on which the training is provided and the number of individuals to whom it isprovided.People and Culture Team collects all employee sign- offs in hard copy files, which are dated and refreshed annually.CompleteJan 01, 2015


InitiativeIASR RequirementTempo’s Action PlanProject StatusAnticipated Completion
Feedback11. (1) Every obligated organization that has processes for receiving and responding to feedback shall ensure that the processes are accessible to persons with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports,upon request.Feedback documents, of a positive or negative nature, shall be offered to employees in the accessible format of their choosing, upon request. Should an employee require, additional supports can be provided or utilized, at no cost to the employee.OngoingOngoing
11. (3) Every obligated organization shall notify the public about the availabilityof accessible formats and communication supports.Company website currently undergoing structural updates to include additionalaccessibility formatting, and availability of accessibleOngoingJan 31, 2024
formats and communicationsupports.
Emergency Procedures, Plans, and Safety Information13. (1) If an obligated organization prepares emergency procedures, plans or public safety information and makes the information available to the public, the obligated organization shall provide the information in an accessible format or with appropriate communication supports, as soon as practicable, upon request.Tempo Flexible Packaging has an Emergency Response Plan included in our updated Health and Safety Plan, with an annual training scheduled for January 2024. If requested, these documents can be converted into the individual’s required accessible format, with accompanying communication supports, atno cost.OngoingOngoing
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports(1) Except as otherwise provided, every obligated organization shall upon request provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for persons with disabilities,
in a timely manner that takes into account the person’s accessibility needs due to disability; andat a cost that is no morethan the regular cost charged to other persons.
Documents provided to our external customers and clients can be viewed in plain text format, allowing for the use of screen reader. ImageText is also utilized on some of our accounts.All accounts are continuously being updated to be more inclusive of those in our communities.OngoingOngoing
12. (2) The obligatedorganization shall consultAll accounts arecontinuously being updatedOngoingOngoing
with the person making the request in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication have accessible communication formats available upon request, including ImageText on all marketing photos, and Large Print Documents readilyavailable.
12. (3) Every obligated organization shall notify the public about the availability of accessible formats and communication supports.Company website currently undergoing structural updates to include additional accessibility formatting, and availability of accessible formats and communicationsupports.OngoingJan 31, 2024
Accessible Websites and Web Content14. (2) Designated public sector organizations and large organizations shall make their internet websites and web content conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, initially at Level A and increasing to Level AA, and shall do so in accordance with theschedule set out in this section.Company website currently undergoing structural updates to include additional accessibility formatting, and availability of accessible formats and communication supports.Those changes will comply with the WCAG 2.0 requirements for Level AA status.OngoingJan 31, 2024


InitiativeIASR RequirementTempo’s Action PlanProject StatusAnticipated Completion
Recruitment, General22. Every employer shall notify its employees and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes.Tempo Flexible Packaging’s job postings include a statement which informs the public that accessible formatting and accommodations are available upon request during the recruitmentprocess.CompleteJun 01, 2023
Recruitment, Assessment and Selection Process23. (1) During a recruitment process, an employer shall notify job applicants, when they are individually selected to participate in an assessment or selection process, that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials orprocesses to be used.The Company will add a statement to our response emails indicating that accommodations are available upon request at any time during the recruitment and assessment process.OngoingOngoing
23. (2) If a selected applicant requests an accommodation, the employer shall consult with the applicant and provide or arrange for the provision of a suitable accommodation in a manner that takes intoaccount the applicant’sThe Company will add a statement which states applicants in need of accessibility or communication accommodations are encouraged to indicate their need to their recruiter, whowill make these supportsOngoingOngoing
accessibility needs due to disability.available at the time of assessment.
Notice to Successful Applicants24. Every employer shall, when making offers of employment, notify the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating employees with disabilities.When offering employment, the People and Culture team inquires with the candidate if there is a preferred method they would like for their offer, contract, and otherapplicable documents.OngoingOngoing
Informing Employees of Supports25. (1) Every employer shall inform its employees of its policies used to support its employees with disabilities, including, but not limited to, policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account anemployee’s accessibility needs due to disability.Employment Standards Policy refresher program to be initiated in January 2024 to inform employees about updates to Company policies. AODA Policy is scheduled to be trained to all employees each December.AODA Policy is also posted for general inquiries.OngoingOngoing, beginning Dec 01, 2024
25. (2) Employers shall provide the information required under this section to new employees as soon as practicable after they begin their employment.25. (3) Employers shall provide updated information to its employees whenever there is a change to existing policies on the provision of job accommodations thattake into account anNew hires will be introduced to the policies outlined in the Company’s AODA policy during their onboarding experience, with new updates to the orientation slidedeck.All employees are informed of revisions to policies through internal company communications, in an accessible format.OngoingOngoing, updates to be completed Jan 31, 2024
employee’s accessibilityneeds due to disability.
Workplace Emergency Response Information27. (1) Every employer shall provide individualized workplace emergency response information to employees who have a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and the employer is aware of the need for accommodation due to theemployee’s disability.In the event an employee discloses that they require an individualized workplace emergency response information, People and Culture will create a personalized plan which meets the requirements included in the Occupational Health and Safety Act.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
27. (2) If an employee who receives individualized workplace emergency response information requires assistance and with the employee’s consent, the employer shall provide the workplace emergency response information to the person designated by theemployer to provide assistance to the employee.In the event an employee’s individualized workplace emergency response plan requires assistance from another individual, People and Culture will appoint a member of their team who meets the requirements included in the Occupational Health and Safety ActOngoing/As RequiredOngoing
27. (3) Employers shall provide the information required under this section as soon as practicable after the employer becomes aware of the need for accommodation due to theemployee’s disability.If an employee requires information regarding emergency response procedures, this information will be provided to them in their chosen accessible format during theironboarding process.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
(4) Every employer shall review the individualized workplace emergency response information,when the employee moves to a different location in the organization;when the employee’s overall accommodations needs or plans are reviewed; andwhen the employer reviews its general emergency response policies.Should an employee require and individualized workplace emergency response information kit, this plan will be made initially with alternative response procedures due to different locations, changes to the employee’s accommodations, during annual reviews of policies, and in the event documents within the information kit become void.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
Accessible Formats and Communication Support for Employees(1) Where an employee with a disability so requests it, every employer shall consult with the employee to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for,
information that is needed in order to perform the employee’s job; andinformation that isgenerally available to employees in the workplace.
Tempo Flexible Packaging, once the disability is disclosed, will convert all documentation, communications and job modifications to the employee’s specific accommodations, and will be provided to the employee at no cost.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
(2) The employer shall consult with the employeeThe employee will have full access to the documentOngoing/As RequiredOngoing
making the request in determining the suitability ofan accessible format or communication support.conversion process and will be able to make changes or modifications as needed.
Documented Individual Accommodation Plans28. (1) Employers, other than employers that are small organizations, shall develop and have in place a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans foremployees with disabilities.The company offers a Modified Duties Plan, which is customizable to the employee’s specific accommodations, with the ability to alter if required.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
(2) The process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans shall include the following elements:The manner in which an employee requesting accommodation can participate in the development of the individual accommodation plan.The means by which the employee is assessed on an individual basis.The manner in which the employer can request an evaluation by an outside medical or other expert, at the employer’s expense, toassist the employer inEmployees have full access to the creation and implementation of their individualized Accommodation Plan. This includes frequent feedback on progress/process, adjustable duration periods, etc.During this process, if the employee requires additional medical attention, the Company will cover the expense of documentation and supplies.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
determining if accommodation can be achieved and, if so, howaccommodation can be achieved.
28. (2) 4. The manner in which the employee can request the participation of a representative from their bargaining agent, where the employee is represented by a bargaining agent, or other representative from the workplace, where the employee is not represented by a bargaining agent, in the development of the accommodation plan.The steps taken to protect the privacy of the employee’s personal information.The frequency with which the individual accommodation plan will be reviewed and updated and the manner in which it will be done.If an individual accommodation plan is denied, the manner in which the reasons for the denial will be provided to theemployee.The People and Culture Team will secure all documents in a location accessible only to members of the People and Culture Team.
Plans will be reviewed with the employee on an as needed or requested basis. Plans will be automatically reviewed on an annual basis.
Reasons for denial of an accommodation will be disclosed with the employee.
Individualized plans will be provided to the employee in their required accessible format.
Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
8. The means of providing the individual accommodation plan in a format that takes into account the employee’s accessibility needs due todisability.
(3) Individual accommodation plans shall,
if requested, include any information regarding accessible formats and communications supports provided, as described in section 26;if required, include individualized workplace emergency response information, as described in section 27; andidentify any otheraccommodation that is to be provided
Tempo Flexible Packaging will include in all individual accommodation plans, once the disability is disclosed, all applicable documentation, communications and job modifications to the employee’s specific accommodations, and will be provided to the employee at no cost.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
Return to Work Process29. (1) Every employer, other than an employer that is a small organization,(a) shall develop and have in place a return to work process for its employees who have been absent from work due to a disability andrequire disability-relatedTempo Flexible Packaging utilizes a mutli-faceted Return to Work Process, which documents all communications with the employee, and provides the opportunity for employee engagement prior toreturning to work.CompleteJan 01, 2023
accommodations in order to return to work; and(b) shall document the process.
(2) The return to work process shall,
outline the steps the employer will take to facilitate the return to work of employees who were absent because their disability required them to be away from work; anduse documented individual accommodation plans, as described in section 28, as part of theprocess.
Tempo Flexible Packaging utilizes a mutli-faceted Return to Work Process, which documents all communications with the employee, and provides the opportunity for employee engagement prior to returning to work.Employees are provided the opportunity to provide feedback on their plan, and can modify the plan as required with their healthcare provider.CompleteJan 01, 2023
29. (3) The return to work process referenced in this section does not replace or override any other return to work process created by orunder any other statute.All Return to Work Processes work in collaboration with other applicable Company Policies and AccessibilityRequirements.CompleteJan 01, 2023
Performance Management30. (1) An employer that uses performance management in respect of its employees shall take into account the accessibility needs of employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodationplans, when using itsTempo Flexible Packaging, upon request, will convert any Progressive Disciplinary documents into an accessible format and appropriate communication supports.Ongoing/As RequiredOngoing
performance management process in respect ofemployees with disabilities.
Career Development and Advancement31. (1) An employer that provides career development and advancement to its employees shall take into account the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities as well as any individual accommodation plans, when providing career development and advancement to itsemployees with disabilities.The Company provides all training in an accessible format, or in a location which is accessible to all attendees.CompleteJan 01, 2023
Redeployment32. (1) An employer that uses redeployment shall take into account the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans, when redeployingemployees with disabilities.Any redeployment of employees is on a voluntary basis. All accommodations and Individualized Accommodation Plans are considered prior to deployment.CompleteJan 01, 2023


For more information regarding Tempo Flexible Packaging’s Accessibility Statement, Policy or Multi-Year Accessibility Plan, please connect with: 

People and Culture Team 2237 Industrial Park Rd, Innisfil ON L9S 3V9 

705-436-4442 x 243